A virtual welcome tour of our campsite
In the first place, our country campsite is a nature campsite, its pitches naturally shaped by trees and bushes. Each pitch is unique, with a certain charme, not a single one is like the other. Some pitches are naturally fenced by old spruce trees. On hot summer days they give welcome shade. In other pitches hazel bushes are growing, while other pitches are surrounded by the wide open, for your gaze to wander and absorb nature. Many of our revisiting guests simply love the variety of different pitches our campsite offers and oftentimes stay with us several times a season. Quite a few of them prefer one particular spot over all the others and keep booking their favourite camping spot time and again. As you can see, we hold your personal preferences high and take them into account when we do the reservation planning. However, sometimes - especially during high season - overlaps can occur. But here's what we do: In case your favourite spot is already taken at your preferred travel time, we'll reserve a pitch nearby your favourite spot just for you.

Our campsite is a sweet and personal place, an informal and homely atmosphere prevails it. It is large enough to house all our guests and their kin, still manageable without a map. We have no entertainment programmes scheduled for you, which in our opinion isn't really necessary around here. Let nature direct you! How about some jolly daytrips with sightseeing or leisure activities outdoors? Finally, after an eventful day, what could be more enjoyable than drinking a glass of red wine with friends you made here, watching the sun as it whispers its goodbyes for the day. Never tried before? Perhaps you're gonna love it. More than you know...